Project title

Symmetric Image Encryption Technique for IoT Applications using Cellular Automata1

Submitted to:

  • Mukhtar sama

Submitted By:

  1. Neeraj Sirvisetti
  2. Sowmya K
  3. Sravani Malla
  4. Ashish Upadhaya
  5. Mukhtar sama

Project Description

We present the project work on Ensembles for feature selection around the theme of machine learning, done as 6 week virtual internship conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Bennett university under the initiative of .Our work involves the development of a tool which uses homogeneous ensemble feature selector to give the same or improved performance on the dataset with less no of features . We are creating a tool that takes the dataset from the user and go through a set of feature selectors and gives feature rankings. These rankings are then aggregated using some rank aggregation methods to get most significant features in the given dataset.

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