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AI and Deep Learning Workshop at Bennett University, Greater Noida
December 19, 2018 to December 21, 2018

Overall Feedback of the Workshop

vvs manideep: learn with disciple

Pranav Bansal: Deep learning is an emerging trend and one may get really benefited with the workshop.

monisha: following the instructor makes it easier to learn

ASHOK BABU.B: YA already you are doing good


Mukesh Iyer: Attending this workshop would be beneficial

Pachipulusu Vamsi Krishna : Awesome workshop, you could do a semester stuff in 3 days please do come here and escape a semester stress

Jaichith: excellent atmosphere

Boddeda Jaya Sai Avinash: it is very helpful to attend the workshop we can learn quickly about machine learning and deep learning in this work shop

Ajay Vignesh J: very usefull and informative

Anshuman Agarwal: NA

Uday Agarwal: Good,Impressive,Worth it

sree raaggavan: It will improve your knowledge on Artifical Intelligence

Rishabh Yadav: ya it good to participate among people from different university come over. lots of challenges to face.

Manikandan.T: while teaching praticle seesion need more staff to guide.

Chandra Mohan: the workshop is great

chahat vijay: its better to do internship rather than sitting ideal at home
