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Truths and lies about ‘extinction level’ threats of AI

June 8, 2024

There has been growing speculation, fueled by some high-profile individuals, that AI’s rapid development could lead to catastrophic scenarios, even posing an existential threat. The motivations of those sounding the alarm on AI’s potential threats can be categorized into three distinct archetypes:

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Sense of shared humanity and dialogue will be the essential in the age of Artificial Intelligence

November 8, 2023

AI is reshaping the way society operates and how the human beings interact with the surroundings. In coming years, it is going to be a transformative force in the evolution of human existence.

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On-device AI: Key product differentiator for the companies and consumers

November 1, 2023

Edge AI is another name used for On-device AI. It has gained importance due to its immense potential for consumer devices and Industrial IoT.

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Machine translation: The next frontier for large language models

July 13, 2023

Machine translation is the process of automatically translating text or speech from one language to another. It has been around for decades, but recent advances in AI have led to a dramatic improvement in the quality of MT systems.

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Pros and cons of first regulation on AI by European Union

July 9, 2023

The EU AI Act is first such proposed regulation that envisions to create a legal framework for AI in the European Union. The Act is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to have a major impact on the development and use of AI in Europe and beyond.

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PaLM2 by Google for generative AI is new tool from creativity and innovation

July 9, 2023

PaLM2 is a new large language model (LLM) from Google AI. It is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

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PaLM2 by Google for generative AI is new tool from creativity and innovation

May 22, 2023

PaLM2 is a new large language model (LLM) from Google AI. It is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

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Visual Transformers are key to next level of innovation in image related AI applications

May 21, 2023

In the field of computer vision, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have long been the dominant approach to image recognition. However, in recent years, a new type of model has emerged that is challenging CNNs for dominance: visual transformers.

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How students, faculty and educational institutions should embrace emergence of Generative AI

May 15, 2023

The emergence of advanced generative AI applications and evolving AI landscape has sparked discussions about potential revolution and transformations in education. To prepare institutions, faculty, and students for these changes and ensure the alignment of learning processes with career ambitions, several actions can be considered:

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Immediate need to start pre-emptive measures to mitigate the risks of AI by international community

May 12, 2023

Leading AI scientists are talking about various existential risks associated with AI. It is essential for all of us to know the pre-emptive corrective measures that can be taken. Pausing the AI developments is not a practical idea and does not serve the purpose as it is impossible to track if someone is doing it in their backyard.

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Potential AI risks for humanity: Speculative scenarios

May 7, 2023

Recent statements of AI scientists and leaders has outlined the risks of AI for humanity. It is essential to understand different scenarios that are possible with AI development going beyond the boundaries of human ethics, morality, and safety.

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Internationalisation of higher education is key to create global citizens

May 8, 2022

Universities worldwide have started focussing on quality collaborations with their international partners for student mobility, joint research, and cultural exchange. It helps in broadening perspectives, acceptance of diversity and breakthrough ideas.

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Internationalisation of higher education is key to create global citizens

May 8, 2022

Universities worldwide have started focussing on quality collaborations with their international partners for student mobility, joint research, and cultural exchange. It helps in broadening perspectives, acceptance of diversity and breakthrough ideas.

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Building a resilient and sustainable world for reducing the risk of future crises and getting into the next phase of evolution

July 17, 2021

Recent events have strained the economies of all countries and negatively impacted most sectors of Industry. The pandemic has also brought to the fore the importance of flexible supply chains that are not bound to a particular region, country, or vendor for fulfilling the needs of world’s consumers.

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Dream career realization: Make it possible by choosing the right institution

July 9, 2021

Millions of students in the country dream to get high paying jobs in 21 st Century start-ups or top MNCs. The students and their parents strive towards this goal for a better life while going through the hardships of life.

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Blockchain technology model to transform Indian education system

February 10, 2020

World-class education in India is restricted to a miniscule %age of Tier-I educational institutes where competition is tough, irrational and is mainly accessed by rich students. To get into such institutions you spend lot of resources in going to coaching classes, study material and other learning infrastructure. It also put a lot of psychological pressure and in extreme cases we have witnessed students developing suicidal tendency in case of failure in getting to these institutions.

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Top five projections in Artificial Intelligence for 2020

January 4, 2020

There has been good and bad news of AI in the year 2019. Of course, Bad News always get preference and catches people’s minds. Some of the popular bad news in AI has been related to Fake news Generation, Creating Porn fakes from Social Media images, Autonomous Vehicle killing a pedestrian, AI systems attacking a production facility, Data biases creating problems in AI applications.

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Cancer diagnosis has evolved as a frontline area for showcasing AI capabilities in healthcare

July 8, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is encompassing every paradigm of life and affecting us in one way or another. Companies, Researchers and Investors always remain on lookout for high impact interventions that bring useful transformation in society. Cancer Diagnosis has recently evolved as one such area which is getting a lot of attention from everyone involved in healthcare related AI.

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Decoding humanoid robots and their wide impact

July 4, 2019

In his article 'Decoding humanoid robots and their wide impact', Dr. Tapas Badal (Assistant Professor, Computer Science Engineering.

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Interdisciplinary studies for better learning outcomes

May 2, 2019

Hardest problems of the computer world are being solved by intelligent systems.

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Computer Science Engineering: Key skills you need to learn

Apr 24, 2019

According to a recent report by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), India’s IT sector may grow by 9% in the fiscal year 2019-20.

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Why is agility critical for a Computer Science Engineer

March 25, 2019

The introduction of modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and many more have led industries to adapt to the change in technology and business.

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AICTE has transformed itself as a mentor of institutions with multiple supporting tools and initiatives

April 3, 2018

AICTE has transformed itself as a mentor of institutions with multiple supporting tools and initiatives: Prof Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE

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Inspiring young Leaders will play a key role in transforming Engineering education, says Hans Hoyer

Jan 11, 2018

Hans Hoyer, Executive Secretary of Global Engineering Dean Council (GEDC) and Chairman, International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) visited Bennett University, Greater Noida as part of the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE).

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Technical institutions should also contribute in the upliftment of rural sector, says Poonia

Jan 10, 2018

During the visit of Prof. M.P. Poonia, Vice-Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE) at Bennett University, Greater Noida

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New mantras for happy and successful life in the age of superintelligence

Dec 27, 2017

It is not only the change but ‘the rate of change’ also that is increasing as we are moving forward in the journey of human evolution. All will agree that the most prominent contribution has come due to the widespread use of Internet, digital and computational technologies.

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Power and simplicity of Deep Learning Technology is great: Don’t get left behind

Dec 24, 2017

I consider myself strong in algorithms, data structures and programming. From last few years, I was interested to be an expert in Deep Learning Technologies.

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5G will enable a new era of opportunity, says David Bader

Dec 23, 2017

Recently, David Bader visited India to give a keynote talk at IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Science at Bennett University, Greater Noida.

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Influence of machine learning in Engineering education

Dec 8, 2017

Recent news on Sophia the robot getting citizenship in the Saudi Arabia has widely attracted daily news and social media. Despite the debates and agitations on a robot getting recognition as humans, experts view this event as a phenomenal milestone in the research of AI.

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Predatory Journals putting a question mark on quality research in India

Dec 7, 2017

Research publications contain the novel ideas, new technologies which can help improve the quality of life of humans in one way ot the other. In the engineering and applied science IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer are publishing most of the journal papers.

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Innovations in teaching methods

Dec 14, 2017

The word “Mathematics” often invokes feelings that range from utter helplessness to sheer phobia in many students. People generally find subjects aligned to mathematics or logic quite challenging.

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Personal motivations in doctoral work

1 Nov, 2016

Few will contest the importance of high quality research in generating new knowledge. Many eminent researchers and scientists acknowledge that their best work occurred during their doctoral study phase.

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Practicing Education as an enabler for uplifting the society

Dec 18, 2016

In coming years the only differentiator that will matter in the selection and ranking of world class educational institutions will be that whether the institution is practicing education as enabler for uplifting the society.

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Machine learning for artists : Neural Style Transfer

July 1, 2018

Art is not merely an imitation of the reality of nature, but in truth a metaphysical supplement to the reality of nature, placed alongside thereof for its conquest. - Friedrich Nietzsche The history of art and technology have always been intertwined.

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AI for artists : Part 1

May 31, 2018

Art is not merely an imitation of the reality of nature, but in truth a metaphysical supplement to the reality of nature, placed alongside thereof for its conquest.

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AI for artists : Part 2

Jun 7, 2018

Music is a powerful tool that has made some of the most brilliant minds in the world turn into a state of wonder . Among them was Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Virginia Woolf and the list goes on. Nietzche in his book, Twilight of the Idols said that “ Without music life would be a mistake“ .

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GANs —The Art of Creating Fakes

Aug 8, 2018

Recently I have been reading the book called “The Prestige” by Christopher Priest and also saw the movie directed by Christopher Nolan . Being a deep learning enthusiast , I couldn’t help but wonder whether deep learning is also some kind of magic ?

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The AI, ML, DL research Initiative in VJIT - from Sept 2018

Oct 4, 2018

The research Group in AI, ML, DL @ VJIT is an initiative of CSE and IT Dept of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana. This research group nurtures the young minds towards AI, ML and DL along with deep research work in those areas.

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Article on Deep learning for Opinion Mining

Oct 6, 2018

The developing enthusiasm for the field of opinion mining and its applications in various regions of information and also, sociology has activated numerous researchers to investigate the field.

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How Artificial Intelligence Works

Oct 7, 2018

AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.

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Machine Learning

Sep 12, 2018

Machine Learning for Newbie
Technical Newbie , now being listening Machine learning as a buzz word , Although its not at all a new one ...

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How Neural Networks work and learn?

Oct 28, 2018

It is natural to face such questions in mind while seeing that the same piece of calculation computer can do faster than brain. Or sometimes when you play chess on the computer. You might feel that why don’t we have such amazing fast powers.

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Need and Use of Activation Functions

Oct 14, 2018

If you are following my blog, then you might be familiar with ANN till now. Still, let us define Artificial Neural Networks as the powerful and a very strong tool which mimics the human brain.

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13 Amazing Applications That Will Blow Your Mind

Sep 29, 2018

Do you think the robot in the above picture saying is correct?
Have you ever felt something like this will happen in coming future?

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Elemental knowledge of Neural Networks

Oct 6, 2018

Have you ever thought of a brain inbuilt in a machine?
Don’t you get amazed by the technology Sophia possess?

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Understanding Deep Learning through Scratch for Beginners

Sep 26, 2018

You may be daunted by this and think it’s something that can be done only by top companies and research institutions. If you think so, you are absolutely wrong. In fact concepts like this could be implemented using deep learning by everyone and its fun!

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AI, IoT Giant Synopsys To Hire 200 Professionals In India Over The Next 2 Years

July 17, 2018

Noted tech company Synopsys is set to expand their base in India by hiring 200 more employees over the course of the next two years, said a news report.

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Benefits of AI in Robotics

Aug 8, 2018

Robotics is not only a research field within artificial intelligence, but a field of application, one where all areas of artificial intelligence can be tested and integrated into a final result.

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Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Oct 01, 2018

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. An implementation of AI is based on artificial neural network, machine learning, image processing and automation engineering.

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Opportunities And Scope For Computer Engineers | Latest Trends and Technologies

June 13, 2018

Computer Engineering is a wide term that covers a range of intertwined professions. The broader branches are Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering and Network Engineering.

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Machine Learning

Aug 13, 2018

Machine Learning in is the branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that system can learn from the given data or existing data, by identifying patterns and making decisions with minimal human intervention.

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News on Machine learning

Sep 9, 2018

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have multiple applications in various fields. Communications and marketing is no exception. Just like other industries, it can help improve how smoothly everything runs and offer additional insights that were difficult to obtain manually.

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How Do Machine Learning Algorithms Differ From Traditional Algorithms?

Sep 24, 2018

Machine learning is an algorithm or model that learns patterns in data and then predicts similar patterns in new data. For example, if you want to classify children’s books, it would mean that instead of setting up precise rules for what constitutes a children’s book,

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Habana Enters Machine-Learning Derby with Goya Platform

Sep 24, 2018

Habana Labs has emerged onto the machine-learning (ML) stage with its Goya HL-1000 processor (Fig. 1). The x16 PCI Express Gen 4 board has a 200-W TDP and comes with 16 GB of DDR4 ECC DRAM.

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AI Weekly

Sep 3, 2018

When Should Machines Make Decisions?
Human Control: Humans should choose how and whether to delegate decisions to AI systems, to accomplish human-chosen objectives.

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AI Next Tech

Sep 3, 2018

APPLE Siri needs people’s trust for Shortcuts to succeed.
This week, at its big September iPhone and Watch event, Apple announced that iOS 12 will be available on September 17.

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Top News on AI

Sep 3, 2018

You’ll find Apple’s best AI in its camera
When Apple unveiled its new slate of iPhones on Sept. 12, executives gushed over the device’s new second-generation “neural processor,” a custom chip meant just for AI.

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Artificial Intelligence

Oct 22, 2018

AI is the broadest term, applying to any technique that enables computers to mimic human intelligence, using logic, if-then rules, decision trees and machine learning.

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The outline of Gradient Descent

Dec 4, 2018

“A gradient measures how much the output of a function changes if you change the inputs a little bit.”
 — Lex Fridman (MIT)

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Variants of Gradient Descent

Dec 14, 2018

In my earlier post, we have discussed about what is Gradient Descent, how it works and Importance of Learning Rate. Also, we discussed how to make sure that gradient descent is working properly.

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Road Damage Detection System

Feb 27, 2019

Roads have an important role in modern societies allowing a comfortable, fast and cheap way to travel from one place to another.

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Feb 26, 2019

A Crowd is a gathering of numbers of people at some place. It is not feasible to count or monitor all the people at various places like university, hopping malls, railway stations, airports or at any other place by looking at them.

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Shopping Assistant: ML Approach

Feb 24, 2019

Shopping is always a trend, it is a never-ending activity. Most of the times customers fail to understand the actual quality and better alternatives.

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Machine Learning for Newbie

September 12, 2018

Technical Newbie , now being listening Machine learning as a buzz word , Although its not at all a new one ...

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Deep Learning with TensorFlow

October 4, 2018

Deep Learning is the most recent buzzword – which covers most of the Research in todays world. Starting from Image Processing, Vision, Social Network Analysis, Text Analysis, Deep Learning – had taken the show.

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Neural Networks

Feb 26, 2019

Neural networks in the classical sense refer to a population of neurons interconnected by synapses to carry out a specific function when activated. Such networks are interconnected on a large scale to carry out complex activities.

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