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  • Launches leadingindia.ai

    AICTE Chairman Prof. Sahasrabudhe Kicks off nation-wide initiative on AI Skilling and Research and launches leadingindia.ai by ringing a bell

  • AI Startup Conclave

    Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Ayog to inaugrate leadingindia.ai startup conclave on 26th May, 2018

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Transforming India
Next revolution
in providing AI man power to the world

Making Deep Learning and AI skills mainstream in India to fulfill trilateral needs of entrepreneurship, Industry academia partnership and application-inspired Engineering Research
Royal Academy of Engineering,UK under Newton Bhabha Fund has approved a nation wide initiative on "AI and deep learning Skilling and Research" . University college, London, Brunel University, London and Bennett University, India are collaborators of the project. NVIDIA and AWS Educate, Videoken and Edvantics are industry partners. The initiative got further boost when AICTE saw great merit in the initiative and has recommended all of its 10000 approved institutions to associate with the project. The project will have approximately 10 collaborator institutions, 100 Lead zonal partners and 1000 basic partner institutions, 10000 teachers and 1000000 Students. At its full scale the project involves the resources of more than 100 million (including cash, kind and human contributions from the partners). Project has the potential to change the landscape of AI Research in India. Due to the Interdisciplinary nature of applications in this domain, the impact will percolate to all the departments of the institutions. Outcome of the project will be tangible in terms of its impact to Engineering community and general public. Super-computing infrastructure, Strong faculty profile and liberal institution support from Bennett University will fulfil the stated objectives of the project.

Same as example 1 but we have now styled the tab's corner

We use the class nav-pills instead of nav-tabs which automatically creates a background color for the tab

We applied clearfix to the tab-content to rid of the gap between the tab and the content

We use css to change the background color of the content to be equal to the tab

Vision leading india
  • To equip faculty members and students with the industry-driven artificial intelligence and deep-learning tools.

  • To train and guide faculty members of associate institutes to do cutting-edge research in the areas related to the artificial intelligence and deep-learning.

  • To actively engage students and industries to have better collaboration for the benefit of the society via student projects.

Mission of Leading India
  • To work in a systematic manner with defined goals and targets for fulfilling the vision.

  • To engage and collaborate with peer institutions for active research network; To generate funds with quality proposals.

  • To enroll, train and develop quality workforce; To establish the synergistic relationship with leaders of industry, academia, and government.

Bennett University
Brunel University
IEEE Computer Society
AWS Educate
Royal Academy of Engineering
Newton Bhabha Fund
Computer Society of India
SR Engineering College
Marwadi University
Galgotias University
CMR College of Engineering & Technology
KLE Technological University
Symbiosis Institute of Technology
SRKR Engineering & Technology
nVIDIA Deep learning Institude
Current Industry Engagements
Hitachi Consulting
Larsen & Toubro
EXL Service
Radio Mirchi FM
FUEL (FRIENDS Union for Energising Lives)
GAIL (India) Limited


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