@extends('masterpage') @section('newpagecontent') Student Chapter Registration Register for Student Chapter @if(!empty($errors->first())) {{ $errors->first() }} @endif Full Name of the Institution* @if ($errors->has('institue')) {{ $errors->first('institue') }} @endif Name of leadingindia.ai Student Club/Chapter Ambassador* @if ($errors->has('institue')) {{ $errors->first('institue') }} @endif Name* @if ($errors->has('name')) {{ $errors->first('name') }} @endif Email* @if ($errors->has('email')) {{ $errors->first('email') }} @endif Alternate Email @if ($errors->has('email')) {{ $errors->first('altemail') }} @endif Contact No.* @if ($errors->has('mobile')) {{ $errors->first('mobile') }} @endif Alternate Contact Number* @if ($errors->has('altmobile')) {{ $errors->first('altmobile') }} @endif Upload Logo of Your Student Chapter @if ($errors->has('letter')) {{ $errors->first('letter') }} @endif Upload List of Office Bearers of Student Chapter (In the template Given) @if ($errors->has('letter')) {{ $errors->first('letter') }} @endif Upload List of Members of the Student Chapter (In the template Given) @if ($errors->has('letter')) {{ $errors->first('letter') }} @endif Upload Activity Calender @if ($errors->has('letter')) {{ $errors->first('letter') }} @endif We understand that this coub/chapter will only be used for professional and technical activities related to AI and futuristic technologies and its application. Club will not directly or indirectly participate in any other social/political/ pure art and literature activities. We also commit ourselves to best serve the interests of our instituion and leadingindia.ai for making a better world. {{-- --}} Seat Avaibility × @endsection
Student Chapter Registration