Deep Learning and AI tutorials,Courses, lectures, videos, Papers, Researhers, Websites,Datasets, Apps, companies, projects and communities
Machine Learning (Coursera, Andrew Ng)
Intro to Machine Learning (Udacity)
Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach (Coursera)
Deep Learning by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville (05/07/2015)
Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen (Dec 2014)
Deep Learning by Microsoft Research (2013)
Deep Learning Tutorial by LISA lab, University of Montreal (Jan 6 2015)
Neuraltalk by Andrej Karpathy : numpy-based RNN/LSTM implementation
An introduction to genetic algorithms
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Machine Learning - Stanford by Andrew Ng in Coursera (2010-2014)
Machine Learning - Caltech by Yaser Abu-Mostafa (2012-2014)
Machine Learning - Carnegie Mellon by Tom Mitchell (Spring 2011)
Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton in Coursera (2012)
Neural networks class by Hugo Larochelle from Université de Sherbrooke (2013)
Deep Learning Course by CILVR lab @ NYU (2014)
A.I - Berkeley by Dan Klein and Pieter Abbeel (2013)
A.I - MIT by Patrick Henry Winston (2010)
Vision and learning - computers and brains by Shimon Ullman, Tomaso Poggio, Ethan Meyers @ MIT (2013)
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition - Stanford by Fei-Fei Li, Andrej Karpathy (2017)
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Stanford
Machine Learning - Oxford (2014-2015)
Deep Learning - Nvidia (2015)
Artificial Intelligence- Swayam (2017-18)
Graduate Summer School: Deep Learning, Feature Learning by Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, Andrew Ng, Nando de Freitas and several others @ IPAM, UCLA (2012)
Deep Learning - Udacity/Google by Vincent Vanhoucke and Arpan Chakraborty (2016)
Deep Learning - UWaterloo by Prof. Ali Ghodsi at University of Waterloo (2015)
Statistical Machine Learning - CMU by Prof. Larry Wasserman
Deep Learning Course by Yann LeCun (2016)
Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks-UC Berkeley
UVA Deep Learning Course MSc in Artificial Intelligence for the University of Amsterdam.
MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
Berkeley CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning
Practical Deep Learning For Coders by Jeremy Howard -
Introduction to Deep Learning by Prof. Bhiksha Raj (2017)
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng in Coursera
Deep Learning Explained by Microsoft in Edx
MCSA: Machine Learning by Microsoft
Deep Learning Nanodegree in Udacity
Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python in Udemy
Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks in Udemy
Modern Deep Learning in Python in Udemy
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning in Python in Udemy
Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Python in Udemy
Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python in
How To Create A Mind By Ray Kurzweil
Deep Learning, Self-Taught Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning By Andrew Ng
Recent Developments in Deep Learning By Geoff Hinton
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Learning by Yann LeCun
Deep Learning of Representations by Yoshua bengio
Principles of Hierarchical Temporal Memory by Jeff Hawkins
Machine Learning Discussion Group - Deep Learning w/ Stanford AI Lab by Adam Coates
Making Sense of the World with Deep Learning By Adam Coates
Demystifying Unsupervised Feature Learning By Adam Coates
Visual Perception with Deep Learning By Yann LeCun
The Next Generation of Neural Networks By Geoffrey Hinton at GoogleTechTalks
The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn By Jeremy Howard at TEDxBrussels
Unsupervised Deep Learning - Stanford by Andrew Ng in Stanford (2011)
Natural Language Processing By Chris Manning in Stanford
A beginners Guide to Deep Neural Networks By Natalie Hammel and Lorraine Yurshansky
Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data by Steve Jurvetson (and panel) at VLAB in Stanford.
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Leo Isikdogan at Motorola Mobility HQ
NIPS 2016 lecture and workshop videos - NIPS 2016
Deep Learning Crash Course: a series of mini-lectures by Leo Isikdogan on YouTube (2018)
ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Using Very Deep Autoencoders for Content Based Image Retrieval
Learning Deep Architectures for AI
Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition zip
Geoff Hinton's reading list (all papers)
Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks
Statistical Language Models based on Neural Networks
Training Recurrent Neural Networks
Recursive Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision
A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning
Visualizing and Understanding Recurrent Networks
Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, An Empirical Exploration of Recurrent Network Architectures
Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model
Extensions of Recurrent Neural Network Language Model
Recurrent Neural Network based Language Modeling in Meeting Recognition
Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines
Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
Google - Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
Policy Learning with Continuous Memory States for Partially Observed Robotic Control
Microsoft - Jointly Modeling Embedding and Translation to Bridge Video and Language
Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing
Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search
Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Laboratory
Cross Audio-Visual Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning
Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Matrix Capsules With Em Routing
Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)
A Deep Learning Tutorial: From Perceptrons to Deep Networks
Deep Learning from the Bottom up
Using convolutional neural nets to detect facial keypoints tutorial
The Best Machine Learning Tutorials On The Web
VGG Convolutional Neural Networks Practical
Keras and Lasagne Deep Learning Tutorials
Classification on raw time series in TensorFlow with a LSTM RNN
Using convolutional neural nets to detect facial keypoints tutorial
Keras Tutorial: Content Based Image Retrieval Using a Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder
Pytorch Tutorial by Yunjey Choi
Niki is a digital chat-based artificial intelligence powered shopping assistant. will be helping banks and other financial institutions to intuitively and intelligently engage with the customer on mobile, chat, or voice enabled IOT devices using AI.
Haptik.aiHaptik was born out of a thesis that chat or messaging will rule the 21st century smartphone world. It is the most significant shift in interfaces since the change from command line to GUI. With Artificial Intelligence and chatbots exploding today, the thesis only gets stronger. As pioneers in the space, Haptic believe it is their responsibility to lead this paradigm shift. It is one of the largest chatbot builders. is an enterprise ChatBot suite that helps businesses engage in personalised marketing and sales. Using, businesses can have one-on-one conversations with their audience to increase awareness, improve lead quality and drive more sales. Morph strongly believe that chat is the perfect channel of interaction between businesses and customers and it would soon emerge as the strongest medium for marketing and selling products and services.
SupertextSupertext is an Artificial intelligence startup headquartered in Bangalore, India. Focusing on automation of business processes through application of NLP (natural language processing), ML (machine learning) and deep learning algorithms.
GLIB.aiGlib creates Smart, Enterprise-Grade Chatbots. It Understand users sentiments and preferences. Integrate custom business logic via webhooks. It Scale your conversations across multiple channels and languages.
AvaamoAvaamo is a deep-learning software company that specializes in conversational interfaces to solve specific, high impact problems in the enterprise. Avaamo is building fundamental AI technology across a broad area of neural networks, speech synthesis and deep learning to make conversational computing for the enterprise a reality.
Senseforth AI ResearchSenseforth is a humanlike conversation platform powered by Artificial Intelligence. Senseforth can address queries, resolve issues, perform tasks and even help customers shop.
Discovery AIDiscoveryAI is on a mission to empower enterprises to improve revenue, reduce costs and improve productivity by using the best of breed Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies.
Trilyo‘Trilyo’!, thrive to skyrocket customer engagement thereby enhancing brand relevancy & boosting your brand advocacy. Trilyo, is always ecstatic to assist you in improving your guest experience via its custom-tailored solutions designed for the hospitality industry. Cutting to the chase, Trilyo help you to convert a simple Hi to a Happy Customer. With Trilyo, deliver the diligently-tailored and hyper-personalized solutions to serve your guests with an experience like they had never. -Redefining customer experience in hotel
Iken PersonicsIn today‘s world, Smartphones have taken centre-stage, and all web based consumer businesses are shifting towards mobile platforms, building Apps to connect with their consumers better. With the limited form factor, time and space being relative, the in-depth analysis of customer is becoming the need of the hour for the mobile landscape. Iken Personics fulfils that need by providing the consumer facing businesses with a revolutionary personalization platform, ‘Mooga’
Fluid AIFluid AI believes that the power of artificial intelligence can be used across industries, sectors and use cases. FluidAI is working hard to bring about a future where its solutions redefine the landscape of what is possible using AI.
CustomerSuccessBoxB2B SaaS and subscription businesses bleed churn and struggle with customer retention. Customer churn is the biggest blocker of growth; it’s like trying fill up a leaky bucket. Such businesses cannot continue to operate with the old ‘reactive’ support model. CustomerSuccessBox was built from a clear need for a solution that could deliver ‘proactive’ customer success.
Flutura Decision Sciences and Analytics is an IOT intelligence company that is powering new monetizable business models using machine signals in the Engineering and Energy Industry. The new business models power impact operational, process and asset efficiency outcomes. The IOT prognostics / diagnostics platform has many features which are the first of its kind in the world. Flutura Decision Sciences fills a gap in the marketplace to bubble up previously undetected machine signals which impact industrial outcomes. It does so by mining streaming IOT Sensor / Asset / Operations data using its Data science platform - Cerebra . Flutura is funded by The Hive a pure play big data fund based out of Palo Alto.
FORMCEPTAs a Unified Data Analysis platform, FORMCEPT helps enterprises derive actionable insights from large volumes of external and internal data quickly, thereby significantly reducing the data-to-decision conversion time. Today, the biggest challenge is that much of the data that your business needs to analyse comes from external sources, and this external data is largely unstructured – such as social media opinions, web reviews, and machine-generated data. Traditional analytics does not unify this external data with the internal databases of your enterprise – leading to poor business decisions. FORMCEPT is your analysis partner that can make “Dark Data” extinct and reduce the span of your entire analysis life-cycle by turbo-charging your existing data infrastructure. With FORMCEPT by your side, your enterprise will be equipped with business intelligence like never before.
CruxIQ – Legal ContractsAn Intelligent platform that helps you analyse legal contracts, extract important information and summarize as per your requirement. The platform is the perfect amalgamation of Lawyers and NLP experts who train the system to read contracts and extract clauses without much of a hassle. In-short CRUX IQ help you keep important clauses and dates at your fingertips.
vPhraseThe AI platform Phrazor analyses data and gives the key insights you need for decision making,in a few bullet points, using natural language. Enterprises use Phrazor to personalise and add deep insights to the reports they send to their customers as well as employees.
XurmoXurmo is a Fully-Integrated, Intelligent Big Data Analytics Infrastructure that supports the development and deployment of custom & portable analytical applications. The result is fast deployment, rapid development of analytics,easy deployment in production and self-service for all users.
RockmetricRockmetric is a 'Cognitive Data Analyst' that automates analysis and insights with a Google-like Natural Language Search interface. The platform automatically understands user queries, analyses data and delivers beautiful charts, descriptive insights and complex analysis instantly.
LymbycWorld’s first Virtual Analyst, An AI-ML powered platform/ ecosystem that can answer the WHY rather than just the WHAT and the HOW of all business related queries and readily adapt to various uses cases- similar to how our brain helps us understand the context behind interactions, learn from memory, apply emotion and instincts and readily adapt over time.
ScoreDataScoreData helps businesses leverage their data to dramatically improve the quality of their engagement with their customers. The easy-to-use and simple-to-deploy nature of ScoreData’s Scorefast platform enables data scientists and business managers to create the most effective run-time consumer models and scores for fraud detection, churn-management, caller-agent mapping, recommendations and cross-sell applications. ScoreData leverage the most up-to-date best-of-breed open-source technologies.'s world class recommendation engine can predict your customer's preferences accurately.
GyanDatagyandata - Combines domain expertise and data analytics to provide customized solutions across industry verticals.
Locus.shToday, customers expect convenience. Businesses now need to be closer to the customer than ever before. Locus powers that vision by supplanting manual decision making, with robust, intelligent and data-driven platform throughout the logistics chain.At the heart of its products is heuristic technology that is close to real life and takes into account unpredictable factors on-ground.
In 2013, was started with a vision to build ‘intelligence’ that can help humans in solving complex problems at a much faster pace. believe in true value of intellectual debate before execution of any plan. To do so, have been gathering the best talent supported by extensive academic research in the respective domains. Today, the core team is of researchers and scientists from Mathematics, and Computing with hands on academic research from various academic and private institutions. Majority of’s investment is in Research and Development to find better and optimal ways of reaching its goal. Over the time, also added some of the best business Experts to our team to guide their energies and in working for a common goal of enabling developers and enterprises to build advanced next generation products using ‘AI’.
Artivatic Data LabsToday's data driven world moves faster than ever. From consumers, products, businesses, operations to revenue, all depends on the intelligent systems that are capable of learning the activities and building insights for better strategy, experience and delivery. Artivatic is built on life-science focused technologies that not only understands insights but also is able to take decisions as 'like humans' on behalf of businesses for better real time personalized consumer experience, automated decision making, improving performance and efficiency with increasing in conversion and revenue. The businesses are able to know more, and faster in real time. It's more beyond Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics - It's true AI Brain.
CodroitCodroit Tech are combining the latest distributed ledger technology - Blockchain with its creative vision to create, share and build latest business solutions to revolutionalise the way we transact. Codroit build products for various industries notably Fintech, Education, Healthcare, Logistics and Supply Chain. Codroit support you at every step of Blockchain adoption from design and architecture assessment to analyse best approach for your business need to rapid prototyping, creation of Proof of concept and pilot to validate your idea. Codroit’s pre-built knowledge base and modular platforms help accelerate the realisation of implementing your permission based or public blockchain network. is a customized AI platform helping largest global enterprises implement specific vertical targeted products build on top of its patent pending ML and deep learning innovations.
Playment – data taggingPlayment is one brand of Gongyixing (Beijing) Technologies Co., Ltd. It focus on the development of boutique mobile games and mobile apps, as well as the development of related game derivatives.
Squadrun – business operations automationSquadrun customize’s workflows using a massive library of building blocks for artificial intelligence, human judgements, data processing, quality assurance, and much more.
RazorthinkRazorthink, believes that Machine Superintelligence can transform customer insights into ideal customer experiences. We are committed to bringing Machine Superintelligence to the enterprise.
The Math companyHelps organizations build or upgrade their in-house analytics centers. They transform the way organizations define and execute their analytics strategy while enabling them to develop their capabilities. With experience in building analytics capabilities and solving a multitude of problems for various Fortune 500 companies across multiple verticals including Retail, Banking, Insurance and Pharmaceuticals, they are uniquely positioned for analytics capability building.
My Ally’s Candidate Pipeline Management tool helps boost productivity, shorten time-to-hire, and make your recruiting process more candidate-friendly. Reduce the busy work of your people and allow them to focus on using their most valuable skill sets. They will conduct more interviews and make more hires all while creating a truly worthwhile candidate experience.
Bash.aiCurrently, majority of the software or technologies used in the HR function facilitate only non- employee facing activities (backend functions). There are limited technologies that facilitate or assist the interaction between the HR function and employees, and all the interactions are manually managed, e.g. HR queries, notifications to employees on HR updates etc. Bash is an intelligent chatbot which implements Machine Learning Algorithms to improve employee productivity, satisfaction and optimises HR function.
airCTOA suite of products that solve recurrent tech recruitment pain points.
Uncanny vision is a technology company focused on Computer Vision on Embedded systems. The team has 100+ years of combined experience in IoT, Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence.
Uncanny VisionNorah AI is a revolutionary, A.I. empowered workflow for generating games. The A.I. enables quick creation and incorporation of all different game elements ranging from creation of 3D models and their animation to story weaving and texturing
NetradyneNetradyne, believes the dawn of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) heralds a new future of intelligent connectivity. This will yield insights in fields as diverse as insurance, infrastructure planning, international logistics, and of course, commercial trucking. Adoption of Intelligent IoT systems would challenge conventional practices as everything will become connected with new context and clarity. Netradyne, is leveraging the depth and expertise within its technology centers to push the boundaries of this emerging field. Netradyne’s world class team of scientists are focused on the development of key Intellectual Property in the areas of computer vision, deep learning, edge computing, and predictive analytics.
StaquRecommendation in current world has become synonymous to spamming. From the user’s SMS inbox to web pages to various video players, we see the recommendations which don’t have any relevance to the tastes of users. This inefficient and context less recommendation, not only worsen the user’s experience but also damages the ecosystem in terms of its spends. Furthermore, the platform owners currently do not have any control over the ads that are getting displayed. Staqu’s Recommendation Engine is first of its own kind contextual recommendation engine which provides in-platform and cross platform recommendation capability along with giving complete control to the platform owners. Staqu’s recommendation engine is built on proprietary content adapter technology based on advanced light weighted deep neural network which do not send any user’s information to remote server and process data locally.
Innefu is an Information Security R&D startup, providing cutting edge Information Security & Data Analytics solutions. We count among our clients the biggest corporate entity in the country apart from some of the most sensitive and critical organizations in Government of India. With more than 100+ customers using our Information Security and Data Analytics solutions, the company has become a leading player in the space of Artificial Intelligence for Data Analytics and Multifactor Authentication.
TrustCheckrAn API that enriches customer data and eliminates fake users.
LucideusLucideus build and deliver information security services, both generic and customized to pro-actively secure, continuously monitor and reactively respond to cyber threats to your technology stack.
Aindra an AI powered MedTech company. Aindra, is building a world where Clinical Pathology is Data driven, Fast and Patient focused
SigTupleSigTuple builds intelligent screening solutions to aid diagnosis through AI-powered analysis of visual medical data.
Tricog Health Services PVT. LTDTricog has a mission to help doctors in saving precious lives by use of Technology, Artificial Intelligence and an expert medical team that works 24*7 to provide the fastest and most accurate real-time diagnosis of an ECG.
ten3TTen3t start by building the most sophisticated self-enclosed, real time monitoring device - a 9 cm triangular patch that the patient places on their chest - for as long as is required - from a minute to several days your vital signs are wirelessly transmitted and viewed remotely by your physicians. Sophisticated algorithms look for immediate signs as well as longer term subtle changes, allowing clinicians to make immediate, accurate, and predictive decisions.
IndegeneIndegene help global healthcare organizations address complex challenges by seamlessly integrating analytics, technology, operations and medical expertise. Clients choose Indegene when they want real results. Indegene help clients drive revenue and productivity by making giant leaps in digital transformation, customer engagement, health reform, healthcare cost reduction, and health outcomes improvement.
qure.aiQure uses cutting-edge deep learning technology to help diagnose disease and recommend personalized treatment plans from healthcare imaging data.
CropIn is an intuitive, intelligent, self-evolving system that delivers future-ready farming solutions to the entire agricultural sector. Cropln deliver’s decisive decision-making tools that bring consistency, dependability and sustainability to agri-businesses. With capabilities of live reporting, analysis, interpretation and insight that span across geographies, Cropln is digitizing every farm, while data-managing the entire ecosystem. Cropln’s smarter agri solutions are powered in real-time; for you to archive patterns, predict trends, to make a blueprint for your business in the times to come.
Intello LabsIntello Labs started it’s journey in May 2016 to investigate markets where AI adoption will be welcomed in the early stages of its technology life. Intello began with use cases where they could build, test and deploy AI solutions rapidly before launching into chosen markets with confidence. Intello labs is recognized as a de-facto business for expert AI capability in solutions that satisfy real world challenges in near real time.
GobascoGobasco employ real-time data analytics on data-streams coming from multiple sources across the country aided with AI-optimized automated pipelines to dramatically increase the efficiency of the current agri supply-chain. Gobasco’s data-driven online agri-marketplace affords the best prices for both the producers and buyers at their fingertips.
GramophoneGramophone strives to create a difference in farming by bringing timely information, technology and right kind of inputs to achieve better yields for farmers. Gramaphone’s endeavour is to bring the best products and knowledge to the farmers. Gramophone is one stop solution for all kinds of inputs for the farmers. Farmers can buy genuine crop protection, crop nutrition, seeds, implements and agri hardware at their doorstep.
AibonoIndia, a nation of small farms, faces the twin challenge of low yields and fragmented supply. As a result, the Indian Farmer operates at 20% productivity of the West and gets sub-optimal price due to his supply's mismatch with demand and exploitation by arbitrage. Aibono pioneers the use of Real-time Intelligence and Agri 4.0 to solve this intractable problem with next-generation agri-data science and artificial intelligence. Aibono's Real-time Precision Agriculture Solutions stabilises and increases yields by 2x by monitoring over 50 farm variables, and the Predictive Supply Engine controls the Planting-Material and Just-in-time harvests to precisely match supply and demand, thereby doubling price realisation and income for the farmer.
SatSureSatSure, is on a mission to evolve crop insurance products and provide accurate risk assessment of crop yield by integrating climatic variables with geospatial and economic datasets.
Embibe is a platform that enables students to maximize learning outcomes. In order to improve learning outcomes, student behaviour is an important facet of learning outcomes. Behavioural traits like lack of intent, boredom, attention gaps, stamina, carelessness, overconfidence, fear, pressure, fluke, time management, prioritization etc impacts student’s test score. Analysing student’s behaviour is a well-known research problem and researchers are trying to understand on its cause and impact.